Wednesday, October 5, 2011

name tags...

Where oh where do you start with Kindergarteners? Well I like to dive right in with my first project (well technically my second proejct)...

Name tags! Kinder kids start off learning the letters of the alphabet. So, I do a couple of projects that go hand in hand with letter learning.

I write each student's name on a piece of cardboard. They get to decorate the letter with different kinds of "stuff"... I have things like pompoms, feathers, string, noodles, pipe cleaners, beans, etc.

We look at the letters and how we know they are letters. What an outline is? What happens if something goes outside the letters? We also go over liquid glue use. How much is enough? What does too much look like?

The kids do a great job with this project!

More with letters soon...

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