Tuesday, November 9, 2010


 My kindergartners are focusing on apples for their project work this trimester. So many great opportunities for art integration!! I decided to start with the traditional apple printing...

The kids loved this! It was messy and they got to use apples in a much different way then they are use to. I think process is VERY important in art, more so then the outcome. That being said, I wanted to take these apple prints to another higher level...(I think they are lame looking) There I said it.

On the fly, I drew a quick tree on matte board... I had each student choose green or red and print their own apple. I think this is so sweet and the kindergarten teacher has it hanging in their room.
Here is the final product...
 Still... I am unsatisfied!!!
...the apple prints lay in my kinder draw, sitting there collecting dust....

what to do...
what to do...

tune in as the quest for the perfect use of apple prints continues...

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